Establishing | Equipping | Empowering
Welcome to The Temple Of Quincy
Here atThe Temple we are dedicated to showing faith not by words but by action. An action that creates a genuine love for people. Each service is packed with compassion and feels like a family get together. Nothing would excite us more than if you chose next Sunday as a time for your family to become a part of our family.
We look forward to you joining us and together we can makeThe Temple “A Church For All People”.
Our Heartbeat is Our Community
We are a church that is completely dedicated to our community. It is our desire to express that dedication through faith in action. Each year we host many local events with one purpose in mind, to make our community stronger. Each event that we host is an opportunity for us to express our deep-felt compassion for you and your family.
Online Giving – Donate today!
One unique thing aboutThe Temple is miracles are happening here. God has blessed us with a special favor of healing power. If you have a condition and have tried everything else to no avail, we want you to come. Some say it does not happen anymore, but God Still Heals. Some of the things we have witnessed people being completely healed from are:
Cancer Diabetes Deafness Paralyzed Limbs Heart Disease Alcoholic Induced Coma Kidney Disease Anxiety Depression Addiction Self Harm Marriage Problems Financial Crisis
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Sunday Worship
11 am
Thursday Service
7 pm
Keep Up With Everything At Temple Ministries.
Meet Our Pastor
Joeseph & Courtney Brown
In 1998 God reached down and touched my heart and filled me with his spirit. I was a young man lost in the clutches of drugs and alcoholism. In 2002 the love of God completely changed my life and anointed me to preach the Gospel. In 2007 I married my beautiful wife and together we have become a dynamic team working for the kingdom of God. Now as the Pastor and Wife of The Temple of Quincy we understand there is nothing impossible with God.
With over fifteen years of ministerial experience, it is our privilege to serve the people of TheTemple communities. God has blessed us to work in many facets of ministry. From street preaching to pastoring, we have seen many miracles and divine works of God. The greatest thing that we have learned from all of our experiences is how much God loves people. It is our greatest desire to express that love to everyone we come in contact with.
Music Ministry
Music has always played an important role in one’s worship to God. Songs and music usher in an atmosphere where even in the most troubling times in your life you can find peace and hope.
The music team, diverse and individually talented come together to offer our gifts to the King of Kings in the form of music. Prayer and practice are what makes our team uniquely outstanding and anointed! From the old hymnals to the energetic worship style, you will find a song that your heart can sing and worship God with.
Youth Ministries
The Temple Youth Ministries live their lives having fun and serving others! Uniquely designed with age-appropriate activities, lessons, and field trips so that each person feels apart and can grow in Christ. Check out our Facebook page and join us in the fun!
Children’s Ministry
Welcome toThe Temple’s Children’s Ministry! From Pre-School to Junior High – Children’s Ministry is all about learning God’s Word in a safe, fun, and creative atmosphere! We offer classes every Sunday. Here students learn of God’s amazing love and promises with interactive learning activities, songs, and more. We hope that your family will join our family in Children’s Ministry fun!
Connect Groups
Life is meant to be shared. Connect Groups are an intentional way for you to do just that. Joining a group is a great way for you to connect with others, grow in your faith, and serve your community.
Each group is designed to introduce people who have the same things in common, cultivate new friendships, help encourage each other, and allow you to share how God has impacted your life!
Church is Better Together….Get Connected!
Quincy Campus
201 Main St.
Quincy OH 43343
937 – 582 – 3045
Service Times
Thursday 7 pm
Sunday Worship 11 am
Office Hours
Wed-11-4, Thur-12-5, Fri-10-2
(Pastor Brown – Quincy Campus)
Mon – Tues 8 – 4
(Business office located at Sidney Campus)
Contact Us
If you are in need of prayer, or just want information aboutThe Temple, fill out this form and let us know what you need. We will get back to you as soon as possible.